Award for Best Short Film.
Diploma and €3,000 to the short film Into the Ice: An Expedition to the End of the World by ANDREW OPILA (Spain – USA). For combining in a balanced way a good storytelling for a demanding mountain and research objective with outstanding cinematography.
Award for Best Adventure and Sports Short Film.
Diploma and €1,500 for the short film Jötunn by MIKEL SARASOLA ARRIZABALAGA (Spain). For transmitting in an immersive way the adrenaline and passion for discovery in a high-risk activity in unexplored territory.
Award for Best Short Film on Culture and Nature.
Diploma and €1,500 for the short film Inseparable: Skye by ANDREW HARRISON-BROWN (USA). For showing in a direct way the relationship of a native society with climbing as a way of bonding and valuing their traditions.
Award for Best Animated Short Film.
Diploma and/or trophy awarded by the town of Benasque to the short film Egoland by IGNASI LÓPEZ FÁBREGAS (Spain). For managing to transmit in a convincing and amusing way the moral dilemmas that arise in reality.
Best Screenplay Award.
Diploma and/or trophy awarded by the town of Jaca to the short film Takanakuy by GUSTAVO VOKOS AND FABRICIO IDE (Brazil-Peru). For developing a script in which the values of a traditional society are subtly confronted with the most current feelings of a youth who will have to adapt, or not.
Award for the best Ibero-American Short Film.
Diploma and/or trophy awarded by the town of Barbastro to the short film Into The Mountain by LUCAS RATTON (Brazil). For showing an unusual vision of a recognisable landscape and a high intensity activity but with a poetic, calm and intimate narrative.
Audience Award.
Diploma and/or trophy awarded by the town of Boltaña, to the short film 24 Hours Odyssee by JOHANNES MAIR (Austria-Switzerland).